Saturday, January 09, 2010

Very unusual flowers

During a visit to Balboa Park, a couple trees at the lawn bowling courts caught my attention. (This is in an area of the park known as West Mesa; it's a relatively thin strip of land immediately west of State Route 163; the large bulk of the park is to the east of that highway.)

Specifically, the bright red flowers on the trees caught my eye.

As I got close I realized I was looking at one of the more unusually structured flowers I've ever seen, as seen in this photo I took at the time.

I was unable at the time to determine what the tree is called, which frustrated me, because I vastly prefer to be able to ID a plant I have taken a photo of when I put it online.

This afternoon I visited the park's Botanical Building, and on the way out noticed some pamphlets that were available for the taking.Viola! One of them had details of many notable plants on the West Mesa, including these trees.

And so I am pleased to present these flowers of a firewheel tree. (Formal name: Stenocarpus sinuatus)Reblog this post [with Zemanta]


Unknown said...

Wow, I have not see these before or don't remember them the last time I was down there. They look almost tropical. Thanks for sharing. Fantastic little get away in town that place is.


Anonymous said...

Oh, forgot they have the biggest cactus I have there too Jeff.