Sunday, January 31, 2010

On the Trail

San Diego's Balboa Park has a rather unique trail. It is called the Bridle Trail, and the unique thing about it is that for almost all of it's one-mile length it is within sight of a very busy highway, State Route 163.

Getting to the Bridle Trail is not the easiest task as the three ways to it that I know of require quite steep downhill climbs to get to the level the highway and the trail are at (and of course steep climbs to get back to one's transportation.) So, the Trail is not heavily used, and I myself have gone to it only very sporadically, though it is a very nice walk.

I decided to use it last year for a photography class project, taking environmental portraits. (Or, as in my case, environmental self-portraits. The comments on those photos are from the class instructor and myself.)

Yesterday, January 30, 2010, was a very nice day, which helped me make up my mind to take my camera back to the Bridle Trail and look for new (outside of a class) photos.

Reviewing what I took, I've come with a couple photos so far that I'm happy with:

This view of a small part of the trail, emphasizing the trees lining both sides:

On the Bridle Trail

...and this view of another small section of the trail, but also illustrating just how closely State Route 163 (the southbound lanes) runs alongside most of the Trail.

Means of getting around

(Clicking either photo will take you to larger versions on Flickr.)

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