Saturday, May 09, 2009

Seeing the writing in the sky

This afternoon I observed, for the first time in I don't know how many years, skywriting as it was happening. Or to be more precise, what is apparently known as skytyping, because it was composed of a series of dots making up the words.

I was on the way to my car to go grocery shopping. I looked up, and there was "GEICO GEICO GEICO" being spelled out, just like that.

After I reached the grocery store, I could see the planes had been spelling out much more, at several angles, including one semi-long sequence I couldn't make any sense of, because the angles were all wrong, except that it appeared to end with a range of dates in May.

After I finished my shopping I could see all that had been completely dispersed by the winds. But just as I was starting to drive home, I could see the planes were starting a new sequence that was at a perfect angle for me to read. That sequence ended up being: "PLANES OF FAME AIRSHOW MAY 16-17"

Obviously the intent of this airtyping was to create interest in this show, so I dutifully followed up on that by looking it up and finding it's site. I especially wanted to see if GEICO has some connection to it, but see nothing on the site to indicate that.

I won't go to the show, but all in all it was certainly fun to see this airtyping/airwriting as it happened.

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