Monday, July 31, 2006

Comic-Con International 2006: Part the fourth

July 22

Comes the flood (of people)! The Saturday session of each Comic-Con has become very notorious for having MANY more people attend then any of three other days (as I noted in the initial entry about this year's Con.) So much so that I considered skipping it entirely this year and attending on Sunday instead.

I finally decided that I was going to make an effort to confront my traditional reaction to very crowded situations (getting super stressed).

As it turned out, I should have skipped Saturday and gone on Sunday instead. What really caused me to stress out even more than the astonishing crowds was getting a good look at the sanitary conditions in the Convention Center. To be blunt, there were no where near enough janitors on duty. They were completely unable to keep up with the amounts of trash that were being generated and the amounts of usage the restrooms were getting. I found that to be rather alarming.

Well, at least I was able to get to one really good presentation. This was a talk by the artist Shag, during which he commented about and showed photos of his life and how his personal artistic style grew and developed over the years. I think Shag's art is very entertaining, so I was happy to see and hear him in person.

It's way too early for me to say if I will or will not go to Comic-Con next year, but if I do I will most definitely not go on the Saturday!

(Part the third)
(Part the second)
(Part the first)

(My photos of the Con are available here.)

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