Friday, June 15, 2007

Yea verily, what comes around...

...truly does go around.

In this case, please refer first to this recent post of mine.

Now, yesterday evening I stepped out of my condo and found on the ground just outside the door a packet of Avon sales materials. And I'm certain the name of the sales rep that is shown on the materials is the same person whom the shipment that came to me should have gone to in the first place.

That gave me a good laugh!

Monday, June 11, 2007

That was quick, or, good work, oh city

I've been noticing for a several days that a traffic light on my usual route to my workplace has not been displaying the red. It's a redundant light, so I haven't been real worried about it. (There's another one just a few feet away that points in the same direction.)

But this morning I decided it was time to report it to San Diego's Street Division via the City's web site. (This page links to ways to report problems on city streets; I've used it before to report pot holes.) So, I sent that in shortly after getting to my job.

Just a few minutes ago while I was out for an exercise walk, I went past the intersection this traffic light is at. I looked at it, and whoa! The red was displaying. That startled me, but I must assume reports of problems with traffic lights are treated as high priorities.