Wednesday, May 23, 2007

License Plate Watch 26

Seen on I-15 today on a Ford Explorer, on the way home from work: "HAS LEGS."

Which of course leads to the question: What has legs?

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

UPS Follies

So, I come home from work today and see four boxes at my door.
  • Which baffled me because I am expecting a delivery, but not before tomorrow, and it definitely won't run to four boxes.
I got closer and saw the boxes were labeled "AVON".
  • Which further baffled me because I (trust me) have never and will never use Avon products.
Then I looked at the address label on the top box.
  • Some genius of a UPS driver had left me boxes which should have gone to the same condo unit number across the street.

From what I could make out from the boxes, they were all Avon sales materials. And they were all not heavy, so I just carried them across the street and left them at the proper door.
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Tuesday, May 01, 2007

License Plate Watch 25

Seen on a Honda Accord today: "KT(heart)2SK8"

(For explanation of (heart), please see this previous post about special symbols on California vanity license plates.)