Saturday, November 14, 2009

Weird moment

I was reminded of something that I saw a few days ago, and thought it might be of interest.

The bank branch I usually go to for ATM use is on the northeast corner of an intersection. I was first car in the right hand lane of the northbound road, sitting at a red light before crossing the intersection to turn into the bank's parking lot.

This bank branch has a lane for a drive-up ATM that exits on to that northbound road; crossing the northbound lanes to get to the southbound lanes is legal, but I've never done it because traffic is always too busy for my taste to risk it.

Anyway - what happened while I was sitting at the red light was I saw a car come out of the ATM lane and turn left (southbound) into the northbound lanes and approached the intersection, at which point I got the distinct impression the driver wanted to turn left (eastbound) into the westbound lanes of the other road that crosses the intersection! Yow!

The driver of the car next to me at the red light hit their horn and I threw up my hands. At which point the driver of this car that was going the wrong way realized something was amiss and backed up back into the ATM lane.

The timing of that was fortunate, because right then I got the green light to cross the intersection.

(Hope that all made sense.)

So, that was definitely one of the weirder moments I've had in quite some time!

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