Saturday, September 10, 2005

Fun with Vikane (Not)

In previous posts I had mentioned that my condo building was going to be fumigated for termites. Well, that time cometh: it will happen next week.

A couple evenings ago representatives of the firm that will doing the fumigating met with owners and occupants of the building to explain what will need to be done. We learned the fumigant will be Vikane, and the major thing we have to do is protect from being effected by the gas anything that can be swallowed (foods, water, toothpaste, medicines, et cetera, et cetera) and that is not in original factory-sealed airtight containers, by double-bagging them in special non-porous bags that come from the same firm that makes Vikane.

The double-bagging will be a pain, but at least I won't have to do it all on the morning the fumigating starts, before I clear out. For instance, I'll get everything in the freezer in the bags the evening before.

And one relief is that I won't have to pay for housing while I have to be away from the condo: I have plenty of family near to me!


@SDBBQ said...

I understand you survived the fumes! Good! =)

Anonymous said...

do you like your investment,or would you like to see it damaged,bag that condo and get on with your life and get over it

Unknown said...

I did not mean to imply I did not want the fumigation to occur.