Sunday, June 27, 2010


Earlier today I drove to UCSD to do some wandering for photo opportunities. I like going there for that purpose occasionally because it has many variations of architecture and other sources of inspiration.

As I was walking to get a view of the front of one building, a car pulled up to the curb by me. The passenger rolled down her window and asked me if I knew the way to Thurgood Marshall College (which is one of UCSD's several colleges.)

Now, as a frequent student at UCSD Extension, I am aware Thurgood Marshall College is basically a neighbor of Extension's on-campus complex. (Extension also has some off-campus facilities.) So, I had a pretty good idea how to describe getting there from the point we were at, as it wasn't too far a distance. I said "Well", turned myself towards the direction the car needed to go, and before I could say another word the car drove away. Excuse me? Hello?

I could only presume they were too impatient to wait for someone who didn't instantly spit out exact directions. I threw up my hands in disbelief, shook my head, and moved along.

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Reception networking

My last post here was about one of my prints being accepted for the photography exhibit at this year's San Diego County Fair.

I have been aware that the organizers of the exhibit hold an artist's reception the evening before the Fair opens each year. (The Fair always starts on a Friday.) I have not gone to these receptions before because I have an ongoing commitment each Thursday evening.

But, this June, that commitment has been shifted to Wednesday evenings (it will go back to Thursdays in July.) So, I decided to go to this year's reception.

And it occurred to me last Saturday this will likely be a big opportunity for photography related networking. I decided to order business cards to point people to my photography site, and, obviously make it a rush delivery. Networking is not something that comes naturally for me, so I'm hoping having the cards to hand out will be a help. The site listed delivery for the order will be tomorrow, Wednesday. Which had better be that case, because the fee for the rush order nearly doubled what I would have been charged if I had gone with regular delivery.

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

One print in the Fair

I had previously posted (here) regarding submitting five prints to be considered for inclusion in the photography exhibit at this year's San Diego County Fair.

Earlier this week the results of what prints had been accepted for inclusion were released. One of my prints was selected; one of this photo.

Due to a few factors, I am feeling satisfied by this:
  • This is an extremely competitive process; every year only (roughly) one-third of all submitted prints are selected for inclusion. And this year about 4000 prints from about 980 photographers were submitted.
  • The judges change every year, so one can never make assumptions about what will or will not be found worthy of inclusion.
Next step is awaiting the list of prints that were awarded prizes (including honorable mentions). This is due out morning of the day the Fair opens, June 11.